Submitted by: Sara Bell,
As an occasional substitute teacher, I like to make the most of my time with students by implementing a unique, school-approved lesson plan. This used to be something I tried to coordinate with the school’s team ahead of time, which created extra work for other educators. However, I recently discovered a bounty of engaging lesson plans online!
As a part-time teacher and a full-time partner at Educator Labs, I decided to create a list of some of my favorite K-12 student lesson plans. I wanted to share them with you, because I believe your audience would find these resources extremely worthwhile – as will their students! – so please consider passing this information on!
Insects in the Classroom – Lesson Plans
Transportation: Past, Present and Future | Educator DigiKit
Jets, Planes and Helicopters: How Do They Fly?
Popular American History Lesson Plans
Engineering the Future: The Educator’s Guide to Building and Construction
Food Science Lesson Plans and Activities for K-12 Educators
Illness Prevention: The K-12 Cleanliness and Hygiene Lesson Plan Collection
National Wildlife Federation Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans on Finance and Real Estate
Personal Fitness Teaching Tools and Lesson Plans
The Ultimate Guide to Satellites for Educators: 35 Lesson Plans and Activities for K-12 Educators
History and Social Studies Lesson Plans
Thank you for sharing our enthusiasm in spreading awareness on these fascinating and innovative teaching programs!
Warm regards,